To be clear, you will be slightly underwhelmed, and that is absolutely fine. If you migrated all your mailboxes to the cloud some time ago, then you’ve probably dreamed about the day when you can finally (perhaps with some ceremony), remove that last Exchange 2019 Server. Register here for TEC 2022 and gain more essential info around removing the last Exchange Server during a session hosted by Jeff Guillet What to Expect Removing the Last Hybrid Exchange 2019 Having been part of the preview program for this new feature, the requirements and steps to remove Exchange all make sense.

You will find a list of caveats, and a specific process documented in detail by Microsoft. It is important to note though: You must NOT uninstall it – though you remove it permanently using Microsoft’s instructions, and for many folks, you might need to keep the Exchange Server around for some time longer. Yes, removing the last Exchange Server from a Hybrid environment is now possible. With what’s almost a passing mention in the announcements for the latest Exchange Server 2019 “H1” cumulative updates on 04/20/22, there were some significant updates from Microsoft.

He holds CISCO CERTIFIED INTERNETWORK EXPERT (CCIE No.4531) from 1999. With his background in data center solutions, Cary Sun may have experience in server and storage virtualization, network design and optimization, backup and disaster recovery planning, and security and compliance management.

As a Principal Consultant, he likely works closely with clients to help them design, implement, and manage their data center infrastructure and deployment strategies. Cary Sun has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in data center and deployment solutions.